Inspection Workflow Optimization Maturity Model

CoreLogic created a capability maturity framework to help carriers benchmark their current homeowner's inspection program and identify opportunities for improvement.
Five capability dimensions form the foundation of this assessment model to help carriers accomplish their key underwriting business objectives. These capability dimensions are:

Inspection Tool Type Used

AI and Automation Usage

Carrier Platform Strategy

Agent and Policyholder Tools

Underwriting-Claims Integration
Each dimension includes steps of increasing sophistication from the most basic approach in Level 1, up to a fully optimized approach in Level 4.
While each carrier’s approach is unique and may align to varying levels across each dimension, a carrier’s overall Inspection Workflow Maturity Level is calculated by taking the average rating across the five capability dimensions.
In this framework, Level 4 is good, and Level 1 is bad. You want to be a Level 4 Carrier.