Chapter 11: Executing the Right AI Strategy for Your Best Game Plan
AI is technology that is here to stay, and any business in the property insurance ecosystem must get ready to embrace it. To accommodate the growing needs of policyholders and increased claims in the wake of a rising number of weather-related events, taking advantage of innovations like AI and machine learning will be increasingly necessary for companies to succeed amid the looming uncertainties of the future.
As AI becomes normalized across the property insurance ecosphere, businesses will need to decide not whether they leverage these tools, but how.
Make no mistake: AI will be a part of your organization’s future – and likely a very large one. The matter at hand for everyone in this market is deciding how big a role it will play in your processes today, and how your business will adopt more and higher levels of AI technology as the future unfolds.
Still, while AI will undoubtedly be a component of every property insurance stakeholder’s future digital strategy, there are many different options for how to utilize this technology. This includes different strategic options, as well as other types of AI platforms and applications to procure, implement, and use to best meet your specific operational needs.